

Topps 2011 Flagship Exchange

There's no doubt I'm horribly biased, but as I near my one-year anniversary of returning to baseball card collecting, and have now had ample opportunity to pick up some of the flagship cards from the past two decades, I still think the 2011 flagship set is the best looking flagship set in a very long time.

Scroll down to see my needs and be advised I have a boatload of available cards for 2011 flagship from Series 1, 2 and Update. If you're in need of some, send me a note or direct me to your wants. I've yet to catalog my dupes.
Love this card from Update. If you have other Hosmer cards collecting dust, let me know.
With flagship, all of the pertinent information is on the front (name, position, team) and the team logos on the baseballs still wow me. The back has what I want, as well - a full bio, small write-up and stats. If I must pick one quibble, it would be the repeat of the front picture in the close-up shot.

I'm closing in on completing the set. It is likely the last flagship set I'll chase short of another stellar design. I plan to turn my focus to vintage, finishing the sets of my youth (1976, 1978-83), chasing the yearly Heritage set and snagging favorite players, or even a prospect or two to gamble on. But that's it - unless Gypsy Queen casts a spell on me.

Before I get to my needs for 2011 flagship, next on my to-do list is to catalog my Topps Chrome (available/needs). If you're in search of 2011 Topps Chrome, jot me a note.

But for now, here's what I need for 2011 flagship. And, remember, I have a ton of dupes from Series 1, Series 2 and Update if you need help.

US20, US121, US188, US262, US277, US294 

If you missed it, and because blogger won't allow me to fix the poll to create the proper heading, I'll link again to this post about the Fun-Time Baseball Hall so you know what the poll is all about. Also, see my last post to nominate Angels.


  1. Hey, I can't seem to find your e-mail on the website, so I'll post here. I was looking at your Topps Chrome want list. I have available for trade all but 5 or 6 of the base cards you need. I have a starlin castro purple refractor as well if that interests you. I busted a case of 2011 topps chrome, i recently completed a trade with crinkly wrappers finishing up his set. Please send me an email at Brauer144@gmail.com and we can work something out.

  2. I have all of these with the exception of a couple. I have them set aside and I'll shoot you an email with numbers.

  3. I'd be interested in a trade as well:
    Gypsy Queen cards I'd like:
    Base: 22
    CHecklist 4 (if this is the retail checklist)
    Great Ones: 8

    Gypsy Queen cards I have for you:
    Base: 34, 90, 94
    Great Ones: 4

    Let me know via email if you would whether or not you are interested! Thanks!

  4. I have US20, US262, US277 and US294 for you.
    Sorry, but are the kimball champions for trade?
    If so, I'll take 141 and 149.
    If they are not for trade, I'll take Gypsy Queen GO1 and GO27.
    If you are interested, please reply and give me your email.
