

Site Blackout and The Time My Two Loves Collided: An Exercise In Overly Long and Somewhat Misleading Headline Writing

So, this Pippen Soap Bill sure is a load of poop, amiright? On the plus side, if somehow my blog gets a shut down, it would have zero impact on all of you and I'd get to read an extra book here and there with my extra time.

Speaking of which, wow, I love to read. Anyone ever read "A Prayer for Owen Meany"? You must. Great stuff. An all-time fave. Let me know if you've read it.

Speaking of which (part two), I met John Irving once. We were all set to go to a White Sox game after work when my wife (fiancee at the time) heard he was giving a speech at the Harold Washington Library in Chicago's Loop. We went to a lot of games so we skipped it and headed to the library. It was even my birthday. Bought his latest at the time "Until I Found You" and had him sign it. Cool guy.
I don't know what this is but it has "John Irving" and "baseball" in it so there ya go. Wrong John Irving? Whatevs.
Oh yeah, baseball. How about we talk about The Fun-Time Baseball Hall? Just a couple of days left to vote in the poll up top for the Detroit Tigers and then we'll turn our attention to the California/Anaheim/Los Angeles Angeles.

I wonder if Nolan Ryan will make the nomination cut, hmmm.

Spoiler: He will.


  1. I don't recall if I've read Owen Meany but I did love Garp and Hotel New Hampshire. I also liked Cider House Rules, I have a signed limited edition like this one, http://cgi.ebay.com/John-Irving-SIGNED-1st-LTD-EDITION-Cider-House-Rules-/280445328297#ht_4234wt_1180

  2. I read Prayer for Owen Meany after my sister recommended it and I saw someone else reading it and laughing outloud. I really enjoyed, not so much the movie they made from it.
