

Nominate Your Angels: The Fun-Time Baseball Hall

With Potch's Fun-Time Baseball Hall in full swing and poll votes flying fast and furious for the Detroit Tigers, I'd like to request nominees for the franchise known as the Angels. In the comments to this post, please provide a few names of players from that franchise's past that you think should be put up on the first-year ballot.

Reminder: I'm looking for players who might make an All-Star Angels squad or strong players who spent many years with the franchise or even players who didn't spend many years but made a lasting impact with the team.

I reserve the right to make the final call on whether a player is placed on the ballot but I greatly appreciate your expertise. I will limit the first-year ballot to 12 as only 4 players will be elected to the Angels' Hall given the year of the franchise's formation. (See rules at the start and end of the post with the hot links above.)
How many team's Fun-Time Hall's will Nolan Ryan make? Two? Three? Four? Twenty? Well, probably not twenty.
Meanwhile, yes, I'm fickle. The "Hall of Potch" just wasn't working for me. I'm trying out a new name that I think I'll stick with that better reflects the spirit of this goofy little project.

I'd like to thank reader DominicFDNY for his contribution. Dominic: I'd like to send you some cards. A collection of Red Sox, perhaps? Any particular set your chasing?

Thanks to everyone who has voted for the Tigers thus far. Not bad for just a couple of days, but my reach seems fairly limited so far. Any help with getting the word out would be swell and appreciated.


  1. Thats awsome ill take any red sox you wanna send my way pre 2007

  2. Just a handful off the top of my head to get the ball rolling

    Nolan Ryan
    Rod Carew
    Reggie Jackson
    Wally Joyner
    Tim Salmon
    Vlad Guerrero
    David Eckstein (just because)

  3. Bo Belinsky. Talk about your "fun time"!

  4. Now for the angels doug decinces brian downing and mark clear

  5. How about

    Bobby Grich
    Brian Downing
    Bob Boone
    Mike Witt
    Chuck Finley
    Jim Edmonds

    to name a few...not great, but had decent years in Angels unis.

  6. Jim Abbott and David Eckstein are definitely my top two all-time Angels.

    Many Angels have put up greater stats, but I don't think any have defined courage more than Abbott and Eckstein in an Angels uni.

  7. Oh yea i agree on abbott hes gotta be there

  8. Nolan Ryan
    Frank Tanana
    Chuck Finley
    Tim Salmon
    Jim Fregosi
    Wally Joyner
    Dean Chance
    Bob Grich

  9. Frank Tanana
    Nolan Ryan
    Dean Chance
    Mike Witt
    Chuck Finley
    Jim Fregosi
    Leon Wagner
    Mickey Rivers
    Bobby Grich
    Don Baylor
    Doug Decinces
    Bob Boone
    JT Snow
    Jim Edmonds
    Gary Disarcina
    Rex Hudler (both on field and in booth!)
    Vlad Guerrero
    Tim Salmon
    Garret Anderson
    Troy Percival
    Francisco Rodriguez

  10. Garret Anderson was a solid player for a long time.
    I would say Rod Carew, but he snubbed me and my kid brother once at Tiger Stadium.
