

The Fun-Time Baseball Hall: Tiger Nominees Sought

Gents (and two ladies):

First, the move went well. We've been out and about with the holidays since getting into our home 10 days ago, but slowly settling in. Thanks for the well wishes.

Second, a month ago I discussed my plans to build my own little Hall of Fame. Over time, I'd like to first seek nominations for each team, followed by a post discussing the nominees and referring to a poll. Yes, I swiped this general concept from White Sox Cards but my plan is to go beyond just one team and circle the entire league.

This is my way of getting familiar with each team's history by forcing me to do some research. I also simply think it will be fun to see how my readers vote. This will be your Hall as well as my blog's Hall.

I discussed the general rules - such as considering a player's body of work for the particular team - and I will lay out the full rules for induction when I kick things off in a couple of days.

First up will be the Tigers.

For now, if anyone has a Tiger to nominate, go ahead and do that here. I believe I have all of the big names, but if you have a lesser known Tiger you think should be on the ballot, let me know (and feel free to list your big names too, just in case.)


  1. This guy likely will not get a lot of votes, but he had one of the most memorable at bats for me as a Jays fan. June 4, 1984, Dave Bergman hit a 3 run HR off of Roy Lee Jackson in the bottom of the 10th, on the 14th pitch of the AB. I hated that guy forever, but that was one helluva battle.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. half tongue in cheek - i nominate the movie 'Tiger Town' (or just roy scheider).
    yeh - its one of those 'u gotta believe' movies, but, surrounding a B+ baseball script, is the essence of the feeling inside old time tigers baseball.
    you get sparky lyle and the old time tigers announcers. all the baseball scenes were shot in historic Tiger Stadium - AND - you get roy scheider.

  4. Bill Madlock for blasting Tony Fernandez's knee into bolivion.
    Put Tram and Sweet Lou in as a duo. most games played ever by team mates. Most double plays turned by and combo.
    Cool idea.

  5. 1st off you gotta have the bird in there and freehan is a must too

  6. Yup "Da Bird" should be in there!! And Mickey T too!!

  7. Plus LP.... He was a badass catcher!!

  8. Chet Lemon (mr. clutch)
    Kirk Gibson
    Willie Hernandez
    Ron LeFlore
