

See Ya, Latos: My New Favorite Red!

Send me your Mat Latos's'es's (Lati?) cards!

Just picked up a Yonder Alonso auto - despite knowing he might not be a Red for long. Oh well, I still dig it and will root for him.

Latos, however, is awesome and I think has a strong chance of being dominating for years (despite the hitter-friendly park).

I had grown weary of Edinson Volquez, as well.

In short, a lot to give up but I'm a fan of the deal for Cincinnati. Yay!



  1. Well there goes the Seth Smith for Volquez trade I was wanting to happen. Nice pick up for the Reds. He should put you over the top in the weakened Central.

  2. I've got an extra Latos manupatch that's yours if you want it (plus, I'm sure I can throw in some other cards to keep the manupatch company during his trip to you.)
    Let me know where to send it.

  3. phuong phap tam trang ken tam la mot trong nhung cong nghe moi nhat ho tro ton len nhan sac cua chi em 1 cach tuyet voi. Voi mong muon so huu 1 lan da trang min tu nhien thi day chac chan la mot cach ma chi em co the tim hieu ngay hom nay. Cac trang de chung ta co the tim hieu ngay:
    - hieu qua cua tam trang han quoc
    - phuong phap thai doc da tam trang
    - san pham tam trang han quoc one day
    - phuong phap thai doc lam trang da
    - tam trang kieu han quoc
