

Fantasy Leagues

My cardboard chasing (or at least blogging about said efforts) has suffered greatly lately but I expect to turn that around soon.

Meanwhile, I'm a bit of a fantasy baseball junkie. I run four leagues (two pay and two free). The two pay are salary cap leagues entering their second years each - one roto and one H2H. The roto league is $50 on CBSSportsline; the H2H league is $30 on ESPN. 12 and 16 teams respectively.

(If the above is a foreign language to you, my apologies.)

In short, I need two new owners for each pay league. If you're a fantasy baseball junkie, if you're interested in learning more, let me know in the comments or e-mail me. Both leagues are just full of swell guys and are great fun.

Also, if you're interested in a free league. I have two openings in one of my free leagues and two well-known bloggers are already in it. It's a deep league - H2H play and 20 total teams. I'd love to continue adding bloggers as openings come up. FYI: In this particular league, I'm gradually turning over Commish duties to a very good friend of mine who does an amazing job running leagues. (I'm simply paring down to concentrate on my pay leagues.)

And so, there you go. I'm a supreme dork. It's out there now for the world to mock me if the world hasn't already been doing so.

Give me your best, World!

Up next for the blog: Hall of Potch, Tiger Edition


  1. Would be interested in a freebie league...if you could send me info that would be great Potch

  2. If your freebie league is ESPN than I'm game. I'm maxed out on Yahoo leagues.
