

Last Call For Indians; First Call For Brewers

Last week, I issued a call for Fun-Time Baseball Hall nominees for the storied Cleveland franchise. One fine gent responded with a nice list, which was great, but previous teams have had several respond so I thought I'd ask once more. Please respond on this post or on that post, linked above.

If you feel strongly about any of those nominated by Night Owl, please go ahead and list their names again. And, if you feel strongly about any of the more recent generation Indians - 30 years or so - make a note. NO listed several, of course, but I'd love to know how others feel about some of them.

Meanwhile, I thought I'd take this chance to issue a first call for Brewers. Please nominate any worthy players in the comments here.

If you're not familiar with the Hall, my little pet project, click here.

Thanks guys. I appreciate all of the comments and interest many have expressed.

Oh, before I forget, just a few hours left to vote for the Padres in the poll. Click here for the write-up.


  1. Hoho! Now were talking. I'd like to nominate some Brewers.
    Of course I'll start with the HOFer's
    Robin Yount
    Paul Molitor
    Rollie Fingers
    Hank Aaron

    Now some others.
    Cecil Cooper
    Teddy Higuera
    Jim Gantner
    George Scott
    Ben Sheets
    Sixto Lezcano
    Gorman Thomas
    Don Money
    BJ Shuroff

  2. Ted Simmons
    Ryan Braun
    Cecil Cooper
    Prince Fielder

  3. I was going to list some Indians, but Night Owl covered everyone I was thinking of.

    As for Brewers
    Charlie Moore (just for the hair)
    Pete Vukovich (for the best mustache ever)
    Dan Plesac (one of my faves as a kid)

    1. You know I had thought about putting all three on my list as well, but I didn't want to get greedy. It's probably a toss up between BJ and Moore for my favorite all time catcher. And Plesac was a favorite of my as a kid as well. I just sent him some cards to sign, fingers crossed.

  4. I would add Jim Slaton (Brewers career wins leader) and Mike Caldwell (holds several team pitching records).

    Also, this may be against the rules, but I HAVE to add Bob Uecker to the list. He never played for the Brewers, but he has been the voice of the team for over 30 years, is from Milwaukee, and is synonymous with Milwaukee baseball. He also has a sign in the "Ring of Honor" right alongside the retired numbers at Miller Park commemorating his 50 years in baseball, he has his own designated section of the stadium called the "Uecker Seats" (with views obstructed by pillars of course, it makes sense if you're from around here), and he is getting a statue outside the stadium this August on the 50th anniversary of his first big league game.
