

Nominate Your Astros: The Fun-Time Baseball Hall

First, just 2.5 days left to vote for Angels in The Fun-Time Baseball Hall. This franchise has a much shorter history, of course, than our first team featured (Detroit Tigers) and thus per rules just four will become first-ballot inductees.

Click here for the write-up on the Angels. Then please vote in the poll. Check out Fun-Time Baseball Hall tab on the front page, then scroll down, for some history on the Hall, including rules.

And with that, it's time to start nominating past members of the Astros franchise. In the comments, please provide a few names of players from that franchise's past that you think should be put up on the first-year ballot.

Reminder about the Hall: I'm looking for players who surely would make an All-Star squad for the franchise in question or strong players who spent many years with the franchise (and thus have the counting stats) or even players who didn't spend many years but made a lasting impact with the team (perhaps in a relative short period). It's your call who you nominate and, later, how you vote.

Will this '70s Houston star make the list? Yes, my sources say.



  1. Joe Morgan, Jim Wynn, and Rusty Staub are a few of my personal favorite Astros. All had solid careers in Houston.

  2. Craig Biggio, Larry Dierker, Roger Clemens & Andy Pettitie

  3. Got the cards thanks so much now for the astros jim wynn rusty staub aqnd cesar cedano

  4. Mike Scott
    Glenn Davis
    Nolan Ryan
    Jeff Bagwell
    Roy Oswalt (I know it's too soon, but he deserves mention)
    Billy Wagner

  5. Cedeno, Jose Cruz (Sr), Jim Wynn, Bob Watson

  6. the Killer B's Bagwell and Biggio..
    Joe Niekro
    Ken Forsch
    Alan Ashby doesn't get a lot of respect as well, but he handled the great pitching staffs that Houston had in the 80's..
