

Unknown Origin: Robert Moses Grove

Two days after Thanksgiving, while traveling, I was able to dart by a card show outside of Chicago. It's the one I attended about three times between February, when I returned to collecting, and June, when we moved. I picked up some fun stuff, which I hope to share before too long.

And I got the below card. It was marked $1 but I technically got it for less as it was part of a larger gathering that the dealer cut me a break on. I like the look and the simplicity of this card.

Does anyone know anything about it? Set? Year? What not? Thanks in advance.


  1. From SCD: The 1960 Fleer Baseball Greats set consists of 78 cards of the game’s top players from the past, plus a card of Ted Williams, who was in his final major league season. The cards
    are standard size (2-1/2" x 3-1/2") and feature color photos inside blue, green, red or yellow borders. The card backs carry a short player biography plus career hitting or pitching statistics. Unissued cards with a Pepper Martin back (#80), but with another player pictured on the front, exist. All have been either cancelled with a slit cut out of the bottom, or show evidence of having been hand-cut from a sheet.

    Lefty's a common in the set, booking for $9 in NM condition.
