

Deck The Hall

Editor's Note: I've reworked the poll to give more choices. Thanks for the early input. Please vote again - the quick two of you who voted. You may vote for more than one choice. 

Gentlemen (and one lady):

A few days ago I mentioned I would be stea...er, borrowing, an idea from another blogger. White Sox Cards provided my inspiration.

I'd like to create my blog's own little Hall of Fame. (And, before I continue, please vote now in the poll for a name for this Hall. And, if you have a better idea, let me know. If I choose it, I'll send you a small prize.)

The reason for my Hall: Fun, of course, but also to force myself to learn more about the history of other teams - not just those I'm fairly intimately familiar with (Reds, Tigers, Cubs).

Over the course of a year, I will cover each team, running down a short list of achievements of the best players to ever suit up for said team. I will then ask for your votes.

I'd like to create exclusivity for induction.

* For teams in existence for 50 or more years, 5 players - the top vote-getters - will win first-ballot induction. For teams in existence 30-49 years, 3 players will be inducted. For all other teams, the ballots will be grouped and the top four will be inducted. In all cases, players must have received at least 75% of the vote to be inducted. So, if only one player for any given teams gets more than 75% of the vote, then only one player will be inducted. Thus, the percentage rule overrules the top vote-getter rule.

* Roughly one year after any given team is featured, a second-ballot will be held. Three more players will enter the Hall for each team more than 50 or more years old. Two more for teams 30-49 years old. One more for the newer expansion teams.

* In subsequent years, we'll probably go with a percentage for induction.

I will ask voters to consider a player's entire body of work for the specific team featured. If a player had a HOF career but played just 3 seasons with the team in question - perhaps they don't deserve induction to the team's Hall. Your call.

No baseball card element involved - strictly baseball and baseball-related activities.

I'm starting with the Tigers, one of my two favorite teams. They rank just a smidge behind my beloved Reds. I asked for nominations the other day. I'll be adding those names to others I've gathered. If you'd like to add anyone, let me know here.

And, if anyone has read this far and sees a rule tweak or two or inherent problem, feel free to let me know. Enjoy.


  1. How about "The Baseball Blogger's Hall of Fame"?

  2. How about potch's fun time hall of fame
    kinda dorky i know but fun

  3. heres one more suggestion:
    baseball fame - potch style
