

Random Kindness: Jaybarkerfan Style

I continue to be amazed by the kindness of sports card bloggers. I'm once again thinking about how pleased I am to have found this community after my interest in collecting was sparked again.

Recently, blogger Wes of Jaybarkerfan's Junk sent me a package chock full of players from teams I collect. Why? Just because, it seems. Just a pay-it-forward kind of fella.

What a good guy. Thanks again. I plan to scour your anthology lists and do my best to send you some needs, but it might have to wait until after our pending move.
Unlike Jaybarkerfan, Jay Bruce is unkind (to pitchers).
By the way, I'm certain this is getting repetitive but I want to get it out there as often as possible. We're moving to temporary digs for a few months. My cards will be packed up in a matter of days. Don't send anything to my Illinois address after June 11.

While I plan to keep my baseball cards with me, my football cards from '79 to '83 likely will be going into storage. I can access it but not as easily as I'd like. I'd love to ship a bunch out in the next day or three if anyone is interested in a certain team. Unlikely to be any superstars but several "name" players and perhaps I can help some of you fill out your team needs - although I realize there seem to be few seeking football cards.

To that end, at a recent silent charity auction I also picked up a binder of varied basketball cards from the '60s into the early '90s. I'll probably store these too but if anyone needs hoops cards, direct me to your needs list and I'll search around.

Thanks again, Wes!

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