

Baseball Cards and White Castle

This afternoon I stopped by the post office to send out eight trades, then Target to get some more packing tape for The Move.

After reading, yesterday, that Series 2 had arrived at some stores, I naturally checked out the aisle we collectors are all so familiar with.


But, hold on, an employee is opening up a box just a few feet away. I kindly ask her if there are baseball cards inside. She - kindly as well - peeks in and sees nothing but the hodgepodge of whatever those cards are that aren't sports cards. 

But, I peek too - and see something different. That lovely Topps logo and sweet, sweet visage of Joe Mauer. (Wait, what?) Well, it is a cool shot of Mauer. Mostly, though, I was just happy to see something new and fresh - even if the card design is of course now well known.

I bought a blaster. Sadly, I snagged just two Reds (Leake and Stubbs) and only one Tiger (Guillen) and two Cubs (Smardjsomething and Soriano). I'll update my 2011 needs list eventually.

My commemorative manupatch du jour is pictured. I like it but will trade it for one from one of my favored teams.
Here are a couple of the other cards I mentioned.
A nice shot. Still lovin' Detroit's "D" logo after all these years, I am.
But I don't get it, Potch, why the White Castle headline?
Oh, almost forgot, on the way home from my shopping venture, I drove by the spanking new White Castle in our soon-to-be-former town and picked up some sliders for me and the missus - our first in three years after swearing we'd never do it again. Maybe it's just me but they just don't sit so well once you pass 40. Should be an interesting night!


  1. Seriously, if you rarely eat red meat and then go on a White Castle bender, you're just not bright.

  2. I'd love it if you'd hold that card for me. I'll see what I can come up with for you.
