

The Defiance Treasure, Part II

I just have to provide a link to this cool story from the local paper - a follow-up to the one from yesterday for those who missed it.

Defiance, Ohio, where these 100-plus-year-old cards were found, is about an hour away from me. So close, yet so very far.

Boggles my mind that this treasure of 700 cards likely sat in that attic untouched for a solid century.

Meanwhile, I still expect to soon begin posting about actual cards that I've added to my collection in the past two months - including a nice little prize I won from Topps! Having "liked" the company on Facebook, I left a comment for a giveaway and managed to win a random draw. Yay, me!

I also just got some sweet cards from Jeremy at No One's Going To Read This Blog. I had sat on a mailer for him for probably a little too long after I didn't get it out before a long vacation, but ultimately I sent it along. He responded very graciously. More later.

Thanks to the guys who commented yesterday. It was good to virtually see some familiar virtual faces. Kyle, I owe ya big time. My card blogging sabbatical came at the wrong time for you, so sorry about that.

Have a great night all. With everyone here tucked in, I'm off to the couch to watch Part V of The Pacific.

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