

Fantasy Recruitment (hoops, mostly)

I interrupt this baseball card blog to take a completely random shot at recruiting an NBA + fantasy fan for an incredible new league a good friend is running. It's a pay league and I'm the co-LM/slash gent who will collect the money.

I can 100% assure you, this is not yet another fly-by-night, soon-to-be-dormant league you like you surely - frustratingly - have been involved with before.

It's a unique head-to-head concept but actually one kept relatively simply. We have 12 owners so far and will start the league with 14 (so we need two yet, for the mathematically challenged). Every two years, assuming extremely low owner turnover, we'll expand by two teams (capping at 20).

League entry is $25, with plans to escalate $5 per year capping at $50.

The other LM has written an incredibly detailed League Charter. He's also a great guy whom I've been in leagues with for 11 years. All of the other owners are top-notch gents whom I've personally recruited over the years (for a couple of amazing baseball leagues).

I know I'm throwing the superlatives around - but after playing in leagues for a couple of decades - and having problems with owners quitting/inactive owners/unkind owners, I've been greatly enjoying playing in leagues with this group of guys for the past three years. Fantasy sports have become immensely more enjoyable.

Side pitch: If you are interested and also want on a list for both pay and non-pay fantasy baseball and football, let me know. On average, per year, in the leagues, 1 of 20 owners moves on so there are openings - they're just rare.


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