

Three New Trade Pals

I've been away a few days but caught up some tonight with trade chatter that's been swirling in my inbox.
I've fallen off in recent months as far as posting trades. My "Trades With" page is horribly out of date as I've completed deals with at least another new dozen collectors in the past month and have worked 2nd, 3rd and 4th deals with many others.

But I want to catch up today with a quick thanks to reader Ryan LaMonica. Ryan doesn't have a blog yet, as far as I know, so he's been great with coming to me with trade offers after reviewing my wants/availables posted on my blog's front page. I do that quite a bit myself so it's a welcome relief to have someone approach with offers.

We've already dealt a handful of times in the past couple of months. This time I sent him, well, I'm not exactly sure and I'm too tired to take a look. I believe it was a slew of Heritage 2011 and a few cards from 2010 Update and possibly 2011 Topps and maybe even a Gypsy Queen or two. All I know is that Ryan surprised me with the return package and sent along this:

This was unexpected and I'm grateful. I love jersey relics with a stripe (or a solid standout color - red, blue, etc. but gray and white notsomuch).

Here is a smattering of what else he sent my way.

OK, I'm one of those guys who doesn't like the Yankees. I do believe they're my least favorite team. Oh, who am I kidding - I know this for a fact. (No offense Ryan, AJ and other Yankee lovers.) However, I also believe you can never go wrong with a Babe Ruth card and former Red Paul O'Neill may very well be my favorite former Yankee.

I'm not collecting the Lineage set but I am chasing the retirees.

Here is another examples of some cards I received, but wasn't expecting.

For some reason the Cabrera scan stinks but it's a nice-looking new Cabrera for my collection.
I doubt I'll be able to pick it back up and post all of my full trades for a few months as I've had way too many obligations outside of blogging lately and until we're settled in a permanent residence, well, life is crazy goofy. However, I'll do my best to get some acknowledgments up in some visible way.

For now, I'd like to send thanks to a couple of additional recent trading partners. Jeff Laws at My Sports Obsession and I have traded several times since we both launched our blogs earlier this year. He's a great trading partner. Also, new blogger Robert Mitchell at $30 a week habit and I have been sending some cards to and fro in the past few weeks and he too is a gem mint of a trading friend.

Glad to find awesome new blogs. Eight months in and I'm already starting to feel like the crotchety ol' blogger around here.

If anyone else is interested in trading baseball picture cards, send me a note. As of this moment, I need to touch up some minor moves on my trading pages but they're probably 99.9% updated - 'cept for A&G which gets a makeover tomorrow thanks to three deals in the works.

At the moment, I'm particularly interested in chasing down some more Heritage SPs.

- potch


  1. No offense taken. I clearly haven't done my homework on Lineage (despite how much I like the set)...I had no idea Paulie O was in it.
