

Bowman Platinum - Sampling The Goods

I broke my pledge to hoard my hobby money for THE NATIONAL and this week succumbed to the peer pressure - unspoken but oft written - that is 2011 Bowman Platinum. I grabbed a rack pack - is that right? Blister? Whatever. Three packs and some purple thingies.

Here are the results, not at all in the order I discovered them, but her nonetheless. A couple of these cards I want to keep; a couple I'm reserving to send as mini thank yous and the rest are up for trade if I can land Reds, Tigers, Cubs - or just other players I might want more. Make me an offer if you see some interesting cards.
This is a seriously sweet looking auto. But it is up for trade for any autos of Reds, Tigers or Cubs - or select other players, maybe. I'm just not a Twins guy - at least when it comes to baseball. *rimshot*

OK, enough commentary. More cards.

Plenty available up there. And, as long as he wants him, I'm almost certainly sending Holliday out to a trader who sent me a bounty of nice cards in my recent junk sale.
Starlin Castro: I haven't officially added him to my player collections, but I think I'll be doing so soon.

Random realization after looking at the Angels from these packs: I've yet to find an Angels trading friend.

I really like the look of the greens. I'm also a big fan of the two aces above. Definitely my favorite players on their teams. Below, for some reason I think Matt D. will amount to something at some point. That's it for now. On to the National!


  1. I'd be interested in the Adam Warren if it's available.

  2. A little birdie told me to check out today's post; I'd love to trade for the Wimmers.

    larsonmorgan AT sbcglobal DOT net

  3. The Angels, In Order is a good trader. (http://angelsinorder.blogspot.com/)

  4. Thanks guys.

    TLC: I'm setting it aside with the Teixeira Target Red exclusive you had mentioned. Do you still need that one? I'll get a mailing out early next week.

    mmmmrhubarb: I'll set Wimmers aside. Keep me posted. Thanks.

    cubsfan: Thanks for the tip. Maybe I'll check in with Angels.

  5. I'd be interested in the Dunn. I'll shoot you off an email.
