

Ginter Flu

I'm sick for Ginter. I want it. I've never joined the fray before - thanks to my relatively (early 2011) recent return to the hobby. You people are all getting me flustered about it, what with your pretty picture posts and so forth.

So, should I buy it? Is it worth it? Box? Packs? What not? I've heard some criticism. What's that all about?

Should I wait and pick it up at The National? (Speaking of which, who's going?) I don't want to put this all on you, dear reader, but I need your help.
I know this isn't 2011 A&G. SewingMachineGuy sent it to me a few months ago. What a guy!

1 comment:

  1. Wait till you see what I just dropped in the mail for you a few days ago...
