

Getting Back In The Swing & Fantasy Baseball Anyone?

Ah, post-move, finally, life is starting to clear up some. I've missed the blog and the hobby for the past couple of weeks - and I fear my typically swell organizational skills took a hit. If you're looking for an e-mail reply from me regarding trading, please send me another note.

Later today I hope to post some trade bait and soon be back on track for regular posting. Meanwhile, I run a couple of deep-roster fantasy baseball dynasty/keeper leagues (20 teams each). In one league, I have an opening (replacing our one replacement owner). I may have a second opening (still confirming) in a day or so. The first opening is for a pretty weak team. I'm very eager to find a great owner committed to rebuilding - ready for that challenge. I need an owner who will keep his roster active pretty much daily.

Great group of guys in this league.

If this sounds like something up your alley, send me a note (dw.reds@gmail.com). I hope to fill the opening today if possible. I can first send you the link to the league and team. Free league, fyi.


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