

Potch On The Move - What Does It All Mean?

In roughly 20 days, we'll be leaving the Chicago area after 10 years in the city and another four in the 'burbs. We've been planning this move for 18 months. We're heading about four hours away - back home to Indiana.

After 20 years in Texas, Ohio and finally Illinois - but now with a small family in tow - it felt right for us to get closer to extended family.

What does this have to do with cards?
Sparky has nothing to do with this post.
Well, a few things.

First, I wanted to alert my trading partners and the fine folks who occasionally just send cards for no reason other than kindness. Please don't send anything here after June 11 (a comfortable window for me to still receive everything). I'll keep you posted when we have our new address confirmed.

Second, I'm hoping to swing a few more last-minute deals before everything is packed up for a few weeks. I've updated my various pages: older Topps, new GQ, Bowman and Heritage. Make me an offer!

Third, I'd also love to pare down my cards to move - or exchange them for teams I collect. If anyone out there is trying to unload Reds, Tigers, Cubs, White Sox or Pittsburgh Steelers - and wants my cards from a certain team - let me know.

Or, I'd love to trade dozens from your team for just a card or two from my wants.

Finally, I've never mentioned this before - but I have tons of football cards from the late '70s / early '80s. I'd like to ship those out too.

Thanks for reading.


  1. Hey there! Glad to hear you got the cards I sent. Hope they come in handy. I would love to strike a deal for the 70's football stuff.

  2. You don't need a bunch of Kordell Stewerts do you???

  3. jaybarkerfan: What teams/players/years are you seeking?

    Adam: Well, I wouldn't mind a handful of Steeler Kordells, if you need to part with them. I'd look to get you something in return. Just don't mail anything here after June 10. If it's after that, I'll get you a new address. We'll be in temporary digs so I'm just going to get a P.O. Box for a few months.

  4. Mainly would be looking at the St. Louis Cardinals stuff.
