

Cool Cards From My Sports And Sports Cards!

Jeff, over at the newly built My Sports and Sports Cards blog, and I worked out a trade after I commented on one of his posts recently. It turns out he's a Hoosier - and, of course, in a week I'm returning to my Hoosier roots!

We worked out a deal and I was stunned to see the great assortment of Reds and Tigers he sent my way. I continue to be amazed by the thousands of cards I had no idea existed, thanks to my 20-year hiatus from the hobby. Jeff sent me a little bit of everything including an Austin Kearns bat relic and a Tigers prospect Dan Fields numbered (apologies no scan of it right now).

I cannot stress enough how great it was to open this mailer. Jeff went above and beyond.
The scan here of Eric Davis does not do justice to what I received but I'm posting it because I'm a big Eric Davis guy (although I've yet to add him to my large PC list) and love the fact he played for my two favorite teams.

I can only hope that Jeff is even close to as happy with the package of cards he's getting.

Thanks again Jeff. Meanwhile, I'm now gathering some old Colts for you per your comment on the previous post.

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