

Trade Loot: Needed Cards From Baseball ... Come To Life

I recently, as I am wont to do, reached out to Bo at Baseball Cards Come To Life, about making a trade. The result? A boatload of fulfillment (something like 75 cards if my memory serves) for my late '78 needs - and some '79s.

I sent Bo a variety of his needs from the '70s, '80s and 2011.

I'll post a couple for visual sake. Most all of the cards were well-centered - I think this was the only way-off card. I'm only choosing to post it here because the crazy costume in some ways made it the best card I received. Hilarious!
This next card is a replacement for one I had that was a mess. George is one of the all-time greats as far as I'm concerned and especially important to me as he managed my two favorite teams. Ran into him leaving Tiger Stadium one night way back when. Well, he waved from his car at least.
And, one more. Mario Soto seemed to always be on the mound when we went to Riverfront in the early '80s. He was so dominant for a few years. He's probably even one of my top 10 favorite Reds. (Hmm, sounds like a future post.)

I remember going to one game where Bruce Berenyi started and was absolutely rocked. I think he made it 2/3 of an inning. Then, enter Mario Soto. He came in and pitched very well, to my recollection, and many SP innings too. I should go track down the box score to jog my memory.

I do remember working with a Reds fan years later and figuring out that both of us - as kids - had attended that game.
Sweet Burns

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