

Trade Loot: Cool Cards From Manupatches...

Received some nice cards in a recent deal with Manupatches & Chrome Scratches. It all started when I inquired about a Paul Konerko bat relic, that he sent along.

Eric included some Reds, Tigers, Cubs (and more) from Topps 206. I had yet to own any cards from 206. Always thrilled to build my team collections.
Really like the Phillips card here. Reds logos prominently displayed and a mythical/mystical background. It's a much nicer looking card than this weirdness:
Brandon Inge is a great guy, I hear told. So I'll forgive this creepfest of a card.
Nice card of Cabrera, I thought. Still love this guy. Hope he keeps his life together.
A Jay Bruce card I don't like. His head seems out of proportion or something and you can see poor cropping was done around it.
A thousands times better. This is a great-looking card. Probably the best of many Eric sent to me.
I kind of like this card too. Or, more likely, it's more the fact that this knocks one card from my Andre Dawson want list. Dawson is one of my all-time favorites and it's nice to pocket one I don't have and haven't seen.
Finally, I received four of these minis. I really dig this one in particular.

Thanks for the trade, Eric.

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