

I'm Rather Needy

I've been enjoying (it's nice to get organized) sorting through my old (and some new) cards and working on logging what I have for trade and what I want. I still have a few more years to go but I've made a lot of progress.

I think I've decided to chase down decent condition 1978 Topps - while building my Reds, Tigers and Cubs from other years. Otherwise, I'm looking for vintage Reds, Tigers, Cubs and certain stars - and I need to work on posting those specific needs.

If anyone would like work out a deal, let me know. I've completed my first four trades in just more than a week. (Scott: Your cards are on the way. I wasn't prepared for the blog launch and flurry of deals and fell behind on packing supplies. Expect faster service next time!)

Thanks guys (and one lady).

1 comment:

  1. I am always interested in trading....though I need to get my 82 and 83 wantlist organized...err...or at least double check to make sure I have needs from those years.....

