

Nostalgic Wax: Youthful Pursuit

Like many, I recently got the urge to get back into a hobby that once made me very happy - collecting baseball (and some football) cards.

When I was 9 to about 13, nothing made me happier than opening a pack of baseball cards. My parents got me started by gifting me with several packs of 1978 cards. I was hooked and that set remains the one I love the most. I collected cards through 1983.

And now I'm back.

The other day, I decided to search the world of blogs to find out who - if anyone - is writing about baseball cards. As it turns out, many people are - and many are doing it well. Nice surprise.

I'm learning a lot as I jump back into this. I bought a bunch of Topps 2010 last year and now have ventured into 2011. I've read a lot of critics of Topps, as well as those who like the recent sets (which I do). Topps remains my favorite. Old habits.

Now, having not planned my purchases in a fiscally responsible way, I hope to find some good trade partners. It's a far cry from trading on the school bus - but maybe it'll do.

Speaking of trades on the bus, I once traded a kid four football cards (I don't recall who they were) for a Walter Payton I liked. Turns out it was Payton's rookie card. Neither of us knew any better. It wasn't mint then, but the condition hasn't changed since I got it - probably about 1980.

I display that one, with a few select others, proudly.

As for my plans, ultimately I'll probably narrow my collecting focus to players from my favorite teams - Reds, Tigers, Steelers, among a few - and certain players I like. We'll see.


  1. It's not THAT far of a cry from trading on the school bus ;)

  2. Good luck on collecting and blogging. It's a lot of fun.

  3. Welcome to the community! Have a seat and stay for awhile. I'm sure you'll "meet" lots of fascinating people!

  4. Welcome to the card blog world, it's always nice to have another Tigers fan around. If you're a trader you're sure to find some good company--it's an amazing little e-community that has been established here.

  5. Thanks for the kind words about my blog! I'd be happy to work out a deal, once you have your want list (and maybe "have list") in order, let me know. I've got a bunch of 2010 base Topps for trade (see the full list on my blog: http://fanofreds.blogspot.com) Like you, I also need to figure out my 2011 Topps needs - hopefully I will have that figured out (and posted) this weekend.
